Life in Yamaguchi

Yamaguchi Prefecture

Yamaguchi Prefecture is located on the western edge of Honshu Island and surrounded on three sides by the ocean. It is blessed with beautiful nature, cities and towns with a long history, a rich culture and a variety of sightseeing spots.

Basic Information about Yamaguchi Prefecture (From the Prefectural Website) Population: 1,342,059 (as of October 1, 2020) Area: 6,114.13 km?
For more details, please visit the Yamaguchi Prefecture Website.

Living Expenses

A rough estimate of living expenses in the Yamaguchi and Ube areas is shown below. It is relatively inexpensive compared with living in a large urban area such as Tokyo.

Category Approximate Amount per Month
Rent 24,000yen
Food 28,000yen
Utilities (Gas, Electricity, Water) 10,000yen
Communications (Telephone, Internet) 8,000yen
Learning materials 6,500yen
Other (Entertainment, etc.) 6,000yen
Total 82,500yen

Part-Time Jobs

International students who are interested in working part-time are required to obtain permission in the form of an official work permit. Once you receive a permit, you can work up to 28 hours a week.


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